Dysbiosis seems to be the buzz around town these days. There are a lot of misconceptions of what it is and how it can be treated. Feel free to read below a little bit about this complicated condition that affects so many people on a daily bases.
Dysbiosis can be defined as “an imbalance in the intestinal bacteria that precipitates changes in the normal activities of the gastrointestinal tract or vagina, possibly resulting in health problems.” Sometimes it is known as dys-symbiosis.” (medical dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Dysbiosis).
So what exactly happens when there is a dysbiosis in the body?
Various organs of the body have healthy microorganisms that are required to help keep us healthy. However, at times various things interrupt this happy environment of the gut (intestines) and/or the female reproductive regions (vagina) resulting in a decrease in “good bacteria” and an increase in “bad bacteria.”
When there is an imbalance in the intestines or vagina (in women), the normal equilibrium is disrupted in the body. This can result in any of the following presentations:
• Abdominal pain or bloating
• Cramping
• Flatulence or passing excess gas
• Constipation
• Bad breath
• Fatigue
• Headaches
• Vaginal dysbiosis
• Yeast infections (in women)
• White patchy discharge and white coats in the mouth and/or tongue (known as “thrush”)
• Leak gut
• Female itching and discomfort
• Possible female discharge
• Weakened immune system/increased probability of getting sick
• Overall of not feeling well and a feeling of being uncomfortable
What are some possible causes of dysbiosis?
• Consuming antibiotics for prolonged periods of time
• Not consuming (a good, quality) probiotic
• Stress
• Reoccurring infections
• Poor diet
• Lack of exercise
Who can be affected by dysbiosis?
Men, women, and even children of all ages can be affected.
Is it treatable?
Yes! With the proper evaluation and care by a licensed health care professional, dysbiosis can be successfully treated naturally and also prophylactically.
How can dysbiosis be avoided or treated?
Once diagnosed, various foods should be avoided including the following:
• Processed foods and drinks or prepackaged foods
• Sugary foods and drinks
• Starchy foods including pasta, bread and rice
What types of natural treatment can help dysbiosis?
• Foods containing Lactobacillus acidophilus (which is typically found in good quality yogurt)
• Intravaginal suppositories that contain specific probiotics (for women)
• Vaginal estrogen (suppository for women)
• Consuming specific vitamins under the close supervision of your physician
• Stress relieving activities, yoga, meditation, being in a relaxed environment
• Appropriate exercise
• Acupuncture
• Stress-relieving and relaxation techniques
Please contact Dr. Angie Skokos of Natures Wellness Co. and find out how she can assist you end your discomfort.
*Please consult a physician prior to consuming any of these products to confirm that you are suffering from dysbiosis or from another medical condition. This newsletter is only for educational purposes and is not intended to diagnose, examine, or treat the individual. A thorough intake and exam is clinically indicated prior to recommending treatment. Please talk to your physician or Dr. Skokos for further information.